Core - American Funds
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The CORE American Funds® Portfolio Series utilizes diversified risk exposure as the foundation of an investor’s portfolio. By incorporating risk-based allocations combined with efficient index ETFs, long term asset allocation goals can be achieved while controlling volatility.
Portfolio Philosophy
We believe a strategic allocation paired with periodic rebalancing will result in long-term performance matching or exceeding its benchmark.
- Passive ETF Selection – Invest in what we believe are the best possible ETFs that minimize tracking error and cross-correlation, while also delivering maximum overall performance per unit of risk.
- Risk Management – By maintaining a portfolio consistent with the desired risk category and rebalancing between growth and value across asset classes; overall reward to risk can be
optimized by constructing portfolios on the efficient frontier and rebalancing as necessary to maintain an ever-changing optimal mix of ETFs based on total portfolio risk. - Consistency – Aim to provide long term growth along with the knowledge that the CORE portfolios are always fully invested and rebalanced as necessary to manage overall risk.
Product Profile
Lead Portfolio Manager
Mitch Ehmka, CFA®, CIPM®
Chief Trading Officer and Lead Portfolio Manager
view profile >
* Depending on risk tolerance
** Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Total Return Index/MSCI ACWI Total Return Index, % to each index dependent on risk tolerance
Performanceas of 12/31/2024
Conservative Portfolio
7.37%Standard Deviation
2.66%Since Inception
Moderate Conservative Portfolio
8.84%Standard Deviation
5.20%Since Inception
Balanced Portfolio
10.32%Standard Deviation
7.28%Since Inception
Moderate Aggressive Portfolio
12.14%Standard Deviation
9.93%Since Inception
Aggressive Portfolio
13.70%Standard Deviation
12.42%Since Inception
The performance data shown is through the date listed above and represents past performance for the composite. The composite includes all discretionary accounts managed in accordance with the strategy. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted above. There is no guarantee that any investment strategy will achieve its objectives. “Net of Max Fee” represents performance that has factored in an assumed fee of 1.75% (0.25% model fee plus 1.50% advisor fee).
Allocationsas of 12/31/2024
Conservative Portfolio

Allocations are subject to change without notice.
Moderate Conservative Portfolio

Allocations are subject to change without notice.
Balanced Portfolio

Allocations are subject to change without notice.
Moderate Aggressive Portfolio

Allocations are subject to change without notice.
Aggressive Portfolio

Allocations are subject to change without notice.